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Most people find that the
economy no longer works for them. Even after education,
gathering skills, training, hard work and paying their
dues, achieving success or merely comfortable survival
has become very difficult and in some cases, impossible. The Precariat, those who have reached a certain
level of material comfort within The System, are often insecure and must
work multiple jobs and manic hours to try and preserve
it what they have, let alone not slip backwards into poverty. Forces beyond our control have long ago changed
the underlying economic rules by which many continue to play in
the old game. Jobs that allow one to live a decent life are almost impossible to
find. Once common benefits have evaporated, healthcare costs for the Middle
Class have skyrocketed as quality of services have plunged and job security is
nonexistent for private sector employees. Greed, competition, individualism and
selfishness have become the hallmarks of the economy that treats us like human
wallets or walking health insurance codes, nothing more than resources to be mined for fees,
fines, payments and personal data. Meanwhile, we're expected to continue
consuming and responding to advertising and paying our
taxes as before, but with the deficit made up by our free
time, our sovereignty and a willingness to take
whatever jobs comes along to the benefit of the New Money
Masters of the Economy. Growing real unemployment, the economic roller
coaster and imminent economic depression felt throughout the country means
that things will only get worse over time. People often react to the inability to meet their economic and personal
expectations through expressions of anger, depression or substance
abuse. Others turn to crime and parasitize people through overt stealing or
theft by another name, such as multilevel marketing, the sale of questionable
value in merchandise or faulty services. Smart people intuitively reject these
situations and are helping to develop an
Alternate Economy as both a healthy psychological and economic survival
mechanism, and as a means of protest. One can participate in the Alternate
Economy in many different ways according to their taste.
The one commonality is that it serves that needs of
People and the Public-Good first, and weakens the ability of outsiders to
parasitize and control people. Another advantage to it is that it
engenders a safer and more pleasant environment within which individuals
and families can live. Third, is that smaller, more self-sufficient local economies,
largely independent of the global economy and just-in-time delivery of
merchandise and food are more likely to survive economic reversals. Finally, When you use many of the
techniques that follow, much of your economic activity
becomes almost unseen and most importantly, unmeasured,
so that it no longer helps to validate the system that
has disenfranchised so many. You stop supporting
their game and vote against what they stand for at the
same time that you help yourself and assist others.
When retail sales numbers climb, as do
units shipped, dollar amounts sold, corporate profits and
stock prices go up. These statistics are then
parroted by the uniparty in power and its supporters as an
example of the alleged success of their economic policies in spite
of the negative effects that they have on real people and
the real productive economy over time.
The opposite of that is a nation of
renters living in apartments without building equity, buying everything
and having to rely on owners
to hire corporate handymen.
Some get militant about this by witholding their money as a form of rebellion and overt
political protest with the deliberate goal of starving the system that has
become their enemy. Certain kinds
of spending are not reflected in the
retail sales numbers, such as buying or selling items for cash in
small businesses, garage sales, barter or paying
workers in cash.
How many of these people are now homeless, living in cars, or dead?
What happened to them now threatens the formerly middle class and even those who
appear wealthy, at least until their credit cards are canceled and their luxury car is
Here are hundreds of desperate stories of people in the Middle and Once Well Off
Class who suffered economic death as the changing rules of society made them
irrelevant, poverty bound and the wealth of our nation drifted upward to the top 1%.
Water flows downhill. Money flows up.
People instinctually abandon their patronage of big-box department and grocery stores like Home Depot, Walmart and Safeway with their foreign and Wall Street ownership in favor of returning their business to small to medium sized stores. These emphasize personal contact and service for the customer which the mega-store-corporate-profit-center-model cannot provide, only pretend to represent in its slick advertising.
Other advantages of the smaller businesses are their human scale, local ownership, purchases from nearby smaller suppliers and the retention and recycling of both profits and taxes in the community through the local hiring of teenagers and adults.
Money is spent, taxed, and paid to employees who spend it over and over again up to eight times through the "local multiplier effect."An additional advantage of this smaller scale retailing is that the merchants can be more flexible and stock products made regionally, the value of which is based on inherent excellence, environmentally benign design and word of mouth reputation rather than expensive advertising campaigns that hype the image of mediocre lowest-common- denominator branded products made for a world market in the most exploitive factory available at the time. As American jobs in manufacturing disappeared in the 1970s, we first saw on the things we bought "Made in HongKong," then "Made in Taiwan,"next "Made in Mexico" and finally "Made in China." Next "Made in Vietnam" and possibly the proximate cheap labor slave pit, "Made in Myanmar." Costco now sells clothing made there.
The superficial "savings" alleged to customers in the purchase of the often large quantities of frivolous things from the big box stores are more than negated by the destruction of good jobs and the money going out of local communities to distant corporate headquarters, or through the importation of low wage immigrant low wage workers who take jobs from locals, burden schools and welfare systems, yet who collectively send hundreds of billions per year out of our communities to their home countries.
This is a reason why small businesses are a threat to the economic rape and exploitation model of corporate America. They build mega stores using tax deferments, or property tax exemptions, get taxpayers to pay for traffic improvements, sell goods at money losing prices until local businesses are gone, then raise prices for the monopolized captive customer base. These corporations bribed state politicians so that economic lockdowns in the pandemic were deliberately aimed at small businesses while favoring corporate stores that sold a few "essential" food items, which then picked up and monopolized all the pieces of shattered local commerce. A new twist on this is that "underutilized" properties with successful small business located on them are rezoned by local governments for high density housing while corporate chain stores are not.
Corporate CEOs actively
destroy as many Middle Class sustaining jobs as possible, replacing them with the
lowest pay per hour they can get away with,
strip communities of local control, disregard local decision making,
suck up tax benefits and pretend to benefit local communities with
performative window dressing like this:
Part of the Alternate Economy is favoring local businesses, that hire locally, pay wages to local workers and
management, often source locally and most importantly, keep the profits in town where the money will be
spent and will recirculate over and over as wages, purchases and taxes.
The health aspect of eating high quality organic food is acknowledged by informed people.
Boycotting fast food includes the national chain establishments that
masquerade as real restaurants such as TGIF Fridays, Carrows, Chilis, Olive Garden and
Denny's etc. Some of these mediocrities are now bankrupt. If a restaurant advertises on
national TV, it is a fast food terminal. It's feedstock will come from central warehouses.
It will most likely contain factory farm pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics and genetically
modified ingredients, plus lots of preservatives, otherwise it couldn't last on the warehouse shelves, semitrucks
in the summer sun and then finally appear salable at its end distribution point.
The guy with a truck becomes the one to do the job instead of the national chain of junk haulers with the 800 number. Instead of the corporate chain store at the mall, the kids clothing resale shop can provide parents with what they need in exchange for outgrown items. If no local resale shop, donate your childrens' clothing to a neighbor in need directly. If for a lack of an alternative, you must patronize the big stores, let their employees know that you are on their side and that they are more important than the products or the prices of what they sell.
Most workers when treated decently and with courtesy will help you to no end. Often one way that people interact in such situations is to give away products or services. "Just take it" or "no charge" or "I'll give you the sale price" is something that we hear a lot from corporate employees who enjoy getting even with their employers and relish the interaction with people that they've established a relationship with over time.
The message that you should communicate to them is "It's us against them-we're all in this together." Part of this relationship is helping to safeguard their jobs.
One way to do this is to adamantly refuse to use job-destroying technology and artificial intelligence devices. Avoid using an ATM card, instead get to know the tellers in your local bank, and if there's no line behind you, take your time with them, hang out, gossip and enjoy the transaction. This is the antithesis of the corporate efficiency model that forces them to work harder and faster. The machines that allow you to check out your books at the library, if accepted by the public, will eliminate jobs of librarians.
The new Self-Checkout machines in grocery stores will not lead to lower prices, only fewer employees, often without decent union jobs and yet CEO salaries climb. The economics of automated theater ticket and "food" dispensing machines have not led to lower prices, only skeleton staffs and tiny satellite "auditoriums" with atrocious sound and visuals approaching the home theater level. It is important to let the workers and especially the management in these situations know that you will not spend money in a business with few or poorly treated employees.
i.e. " You know, if you were ever to eliminate Ingrid's job nobody that I know will ever come back and spend one cent here....."
Or, "You want my business? If you send your customer service work to India, we'll boycott your company." Do the recorded survey's that are often requested at the end of a call and let management hear your comments. They will retain workers if enough people voice their opinion about this. Ask help line operators where they are. If in India or other overseas operations, ask to speak to corporate headquarters in the United States for help.
When doing business on the telephone, avoid automated phone systems in favor of talking to humans. Try punching "0" for operator as soon as you are in the system. Often "00" or "000" or other multiples of this will save you from languishing in 'Voice Jail'. Another trick - and this is Really hitting corporations below the belt -is to call their "New Businesses" number, or "sales" number which are usually answered by helpful stateside people ready to take your money.
Tell them you are a "business customer and love their company, but you have a little problem to fix and could they please transfer you to repair or customer service, and stay on the line until connected" etc. "But first, could could you please give me that direct number?" Write it down and use it.
Find out about credit unions and or locate one near you here:
Publicize the good. After
years of living in a place one develops a network of connections and
knowledge of the local economic scene. Your routines become easier
because you know which stores are great and which ones to avoid. Why not
share this knowledge with pleasant people from your
One of the ways to do this is to create a printed list of your favorite local businesses. |
Here are hypothetical examples of the kind of information we put on our list:
Notice the accountability in the information, the personal experience and touches? This is what people want and hunger for in their commercial transactions.
*Pay small merchants in cash as this saves them the 4 to 6% transaction fee that they have to pay to the credit card company or their bank. Always pay cash to individuals as this saves them the delay of cashing checks and the growing practice of large banks like Bank of America or Wells Fargo to charge $10.00 or more, to non-customers to cash a check.
* Use the mainstream economic system against itself: Making all one's purchases with credit cards and paying the monthly minimum is giving away your money and is economic suicide. If you cannot find local businesses and shop in corporate stores, use credit cards with no annual fee, which give you cash back, and make sure to pay your balance off each month using the bank's money for a month at no charge.
*Learn what amount of income you can earn tax-free and work to just get under that amount. Depending on your age, filing status, and dependents, for the 2023 tax year, the gross income threshold for filing taxes is between $12,950 and $28,700. If you have reported self-employment income, you’re required to report your income and file taxes if you make $400 or more. The rest of one's needs can be met by barter and exchange of labor in certain areas with low expenses. Get off the economic treadmill or at least slow it down for yourself and others.
*Obtain things used as a first option before purchasing new. Thrift stores, Craigslist and other online fora are a treasure trove of inexpensive or free items.
Consumerism is based on getting people to continually buy useless and near useless things that they don't need, as well as accept and embrace ideas that are destructive to them which financially reward the seller. There will always be people that mindlessly churn new debt and consume. Use them to your advantage. They can provide a steady stream of "last year's model" into the used merchandise market that you can take advantage of.
Almost Everything that one needs other than food, energy and services is probably sitting unused and unwanted somewhere, in thrift stores or taking up dozens of square feet in someone's home. Do them a favor by advertising ISO, "In Search Of" items for free, or exchange some useful barter item to them that you no longer need, or buy it for a modest price, all of which which de-clutters their life and saves you money.
Conversely, if you haven't used something in the last year or so, seriously consider destining it to someone by the same means above. How often have you yearned for an item you got rid of? Contrast that with the ongoing psychic and actual energy expended in moving, cleaning, and thinking about the clutter in your life.
Getting the things that you actually need and use by the means above is even better than avoiding consumerism in the first place. Just giving things away to those who will use them is highly liberating and very subversive of the system because every item that is sold or donated is potentially one less thing they buy new, and represents savings to the buyer and the giver, sometimes in the form of a tax deduction, thus keeping money in people's hands instead of sending it away to foreigners or Wall Street. No thrift stores in your area? Put useful things on TOP of the garbage can or alongside the dumpster before trash day so that others can pick them up and use them.
The Achilles' heel of the above is the difficulty of locating or advertising these things. Craigslist, Freecycle and local community bulletin boards are a good start. Thrift stores or second hand shops are ideal for giveaways as they have the organizational ability to market the things to people that often rely heavily on them. A good thrift store with a healthy donor base can also provide one with practical clothing and most of the household items that one could need for pennies on the dollar. The key to using these is to determine where they are, if their typically accepted donations match your taste level and patrolling them often. The Salvation Army is the best organization and relies on volunteers and minimally paid staff while doing the most for America's poor and unfortunate.
Localize your interests.One can work for an extra month just to earn the after tax dollars to pay for a "vacation" which involves expensive parking at the airport and risking your life in an aluminum tube that flies halfway around the world, as you breath novel viruses and bacteria. Or, you can save that month of work and just explore and do day trips of your own region, county or state, sleeping in your own bed at night or staying in authentic local lodging. The post 9-11 airport strip-searches, skin cancer backscatter radiation machines and associated unpleasantness have done wonders for this concept of late. Learn about your neighbors in nearby counties. You probably have far more in common with them than you do with the staff of some resort in the tropics and if you discover that you share common interests, or find some marvelous things, it's much easier to revisit and work with them for the betterment of your area.
A positive benefit of this localized travel is that the distant place to which you are not vacationing will be that much more likely to not prostitute its economy and environment for the benefit of long distance tourists and will be more likely to develop its own alternate economy based on the genuine needs of its residents.
Safety in numbers.
Assume a power blackout or natural disaster. Would you rather be around a Main Street environment whose store owners you know and have maintained an ongoing relationship with over many years, or be just another stranger in a large corporate mall where the security guards kick everybody out and lock the gates? Think of this in the long term over a decade of patronage or a lifetime and you can see the advantages of these choices.
The corner grocer is far more likely to keep an eye on your kids and report trouble to you than an imported minimum wage employee with no connection to the community except a cheap dormitory. When a guy that hangs out in a coffeehouse we frequent disappeared for days, someone took the trouble to go to his house and find out he was very sick. People looked out for him and brought him food until he was well. Don't expect that from a Walmart, a Starbucks or a constantly shifting Amazon delivery drone.
Most of the above is just common sense that accrues to one the older and more experienced they get. Some people never get it though and end up leading atomized, boring and lonely lives. Their children and grandchildren, if they haven't turned into iPhone zombies, will probably have instinctually rejected this kind of life and may be more likely to embrace the ideas contained herein.
A simple concept that can allow people to either live well for far less work or live much better with the same income. Giving to a collective enterprise can produce a higher standard of living than just getting for oneself.
We checked our bookshelves and donated the high quality gardening and do it yourself books that we hardly ever looked at to our nearby library. It's satisfying to see the dozens of 'date due' stamps in the front of these books and realize that many others are enjoying them as much as we did. Set up a little free library in front of your house to share books among neighbors.
The same concept applies to things other than books. For example, Berkeley, California and Portland, Oregon, have tool lending "libraries" available for residents. This same kind of thing can be done in a neighborhood or among a group of friends.
There is a page on our site that describes how well people can live in a shared housing situation: Here is a link to that page.
How do you determine if a business is part of the alternate economy or not?
1. Ask employees in a business that you are investigating, "who owns this business?" "Is it owned and run by a family?" The people working there will either be part of the family or will know the answer if it is. We've found that asking both these questions in a row puts people more at ease than just asking the first. If the people working there have no idea who owns it, that is a bad sign.
2. Look for a business license, resale license or health inspection report on the wall behind the cash register. Chains and corporations usually keep these in their headquarters. Note: "LLC" or "Incorporated" on the license is not necessarily bad as it may mean that the business is incorporated for the legal protection of the owners: for example: "Joe's Cafe LLC" or "Joe's Cafe Incorporated" is a lot different than "The Southland Corporation", the owners of 7-11, also known as Chevron.
3. Sometimes a family owned business will enrich itself on the backs of its workers and will often place a do-nothing relative in a management position. The employees will know and usually communicate this subtly. If they are open and cheerful and take the time to interact with you, that is a good sign. Everyone gets tired sometimes but if they are sullen, hostile and you have to chase them down to get help, that is bad.
4. Reputation and longevity. If when you ask somebody about a good place to eat or buy things and they immediately name a business, that is a good sign. If you have to draw it out of them and they finally point you toward a corporate chain store, that's a sign of a dead or dying community.
OOn community cleanup days when large items may be discarded at the curb (and end up being crushed in a compactor truck and taken straight to the landfill), we drive around in our van and find all the building material we need for our gardening and remodeling purposes. We noticed a large amount of children's furniture and even clothing being discarded, often with nothing wrong with it. It occurred to us that the children's resale store nearby could resell it. The Cribs, dressers, art easels, toys and other things we piled into the truck were donated to them and what the store didn't take we donated to the local thrift store. Let's categorize the economic advantages of this action to our community:
- The resale store, a valuable resource for local parents to both buy, sell and trade outgrown and used items is kept in business and pays into the local tax base.
- Her employee is kept in work. Fired from a corporate cubicle job she now has the time to with her family and even has time to volunteer at the library, since she no longer has the necessity working in the system to pay the after- tax expenses of car ownership, a long commute, dry-cleaning her business clothes etc.
- Local parents get what they need for about 20% of the price they would pay at the corporate owned Pottery Barn/Gap/Costco/ToysRUs mall.
- The items not suitable for commercial resale are donated to the thrift store and generate income for the parish and inexpensive items for the thrifty who shop there.
We had several diplomas and some of our child's artwork that we wanted framed. We gathered up the dozens of framed documents that we no longer wanted and those on our walls that we no longer even noticed anymore, as well as some artists' supplies sitting in a storeroom and traded them for the framing job. The frame shop obtained hundreds of dollars worth of unusual high quality frames and material that were of no use to us and we got our framing done with no money changing hands - and opened up more storage and wall space for ourselves.
Our friends in Los Angeles have huge avocado and citrus trees in their yard that produce thousands of pounds of fruit a year. (yes thousands-not a typo) The whole family goes out and has a fun time bagging the fruit. Everywhere they go they give people fruit: the cleaners, coffee house, elementary school, the bus driver, to homeless veterans, at work, the bakery, movie theaters etc. A bag of organic fruit like that would cost about $80 at Bezos' AssWhole Foods. People gratefully respond with thanks and sometimes "it's free" when it comes time to pay for the service they are offering. An especially nice place to donate the fruit is at the rest-retirement-nursing home -corporate profit center-down the street. The folks there love the avocados and citrus far better than the industrial factory food they're forced to live on. What formerly rotted on the ground now becomes lots of goodwill and thousands of dollars of savings for everyone without raising the Gross National Product.
A curious aside: the people living next to our friends got wind of this and began bagging up their loquats and then taking them to the nearby market and trying to aggressively sell them with no success. Had they just skipped the monetization and given the fruit to people directly they might have obtained and given far more.
A friend was about to go out and buy deer fencing and posts at the Home Depot. We gave him the dumpster dived stakes and fencing that we anticipate using in a year or two from now in our garden. This prevented him from spending his money at the mall and emptied out our storage shed. He can replace the stakes when we need them-if we haven't effortlessly scrounged some more used ones for free, the same way we got the ones that we gave to him.You can do this more formally with an "IOU In kind"-that is, you lend somebody some item with the understanding that they will replace it new or used or return it after a certain date.
A means of facilitating this is to make a "want list" and a "don't want list". Write down all the things that you think you will need in the next 6 months or so and on a separate sheet list all the things you have sitting around that you don't want and that don't lend themselves to resale or donation such as an opened bottle of liquor or box of soap that you don't like. Carry these lists with you and compare lists with people doing the same thing. We've done this and have obtained many-many things and have saved thousands of dollars. Besides Craigslist, there are a growing number of Freecycle groups.
The Orwellian NextDoor has tried to muscle into this, pretending to be a community, but it's just a data-mining scam that censors people the founders and leads don't like. Avoid it.Our local coffeehouse is a delightful place with worn comfortable chairs and most importantly, a quiet timeless atmosphere-Quiet being the operative word. Often the only sound is that of the refrigerator or a guy playing his guitar. Sometimes eclectic recorded music is played softly. The decor has naturally evolved over the years and includes lots of used books for sale or loan and many potted plants. The family that works there and the employees are easy going and cheerful. Every interaction with them is just that, an opportunity to talk about things that are happening in the neighborhood and the local school. Kids wander in and out and mix with adults of all ages. The place is so relaxed people sometimes fall asleep on the wicker couch.
You can get credit and run up a tab there if your paycheck hasn't come in yet. They serve pastries from a family owned bakery around the corner that are bought for cash. The coffee is organic from a small boutique roaster. There is usually a vase of fresh flowers on the counter that people bring from their garden and a fruit box where people can drop off and pick up surplus items from their trees. The coffeehouse is used as a venue to showcase local artists, hold clothing swaps, leave messages and because of all the above, people are fiercely loyal to them and it's doing well financially.
Contrast this with the closest Starbucks. Everything is a commercial transaction designed to move money in one direction; Seattle Corporate Headquarters. There is the expectation that you'll get your product, finish it and make room for the next commercial transaction unit. The decor is straight out of a catalog with many instant faux Italian espresso bar touches and scores of institutional "20-minute chairs" (designed to be comfortable only that long). Company provided mood music is played on a custom player that will not play standard sized CDs-this to prevent the employees from daring to play their own music. The volume is fixed, no doubt loud enough to discourage people from lingering longer than the time it takes to finish a drink. Some people foil this by bringing their own cushion to make the chairs bearable and wear headphones to listen to their own music. Who says you have to buy anything to enjoy their seats, electrical outlets, restroom and air conditioning? They claimed in their permit application to be a community living room, so that's the price they'll have to pay.
If you live in a small town that has nothing but dishwater coffee at a fast food place or a gas station, the opening of a Starbucks would be a huge improvement in the community. Of course after they build up the coffee taste level, it's time for some locals to open their own place as above.
Please send us examples of how you use the Alternate Economy. If they're unique we'll add them here.
Freeganism, a new term for dumpster diving for food, clothing and other things not because you're poor or desperate but because they are there! Especially productive at the end of college terms when mini refrigerators, food, clothing, furniture and other items are dumped.
Why those "Hippies" down at the Organic Grocery may your real friends:
My old Uncle Bob is slowly coming around to our way of thinking. Ex-Marine, Ex-paint salesman, Ex-workman, he is now a expert on everything that's wrong with the country. After the last couple of years of spending money in an Australian themed corporate steakhouse and sitting on the benches at the Mall and watching his friends die of heart attacks, he is becoming disillusioned with the whole scene. There's a change in the air. If we can convince Uncle Bob of the wisdom of what we're doing, then we can convince anybody.
The first chink in his armor came when his Veteran's Benefits were reduced with the closure of a local V.A. hospital. "You mean I have to drive all the way to F* Fairfield to see a doctor!" That Son of a Bitch Biden!
Next was when we announced to him that the home cooking that he had been ravenously devouring at our house every Sunday was 100% Organic.
"I was wondering what you were putting in it" -"I mean, there's no manure in it is there?" A few explanations of the benefits of Organics followed by a couple of blind taste comparisons of Organic versus Safeway produce and prepared food convinced him. The final straw came when his 'club card' or whatever it's called didn't work and he was asked to fill out an all new application at the local corporate supermarket; he stomped out and drove to the alternate Organic market that we had repeatedly praised.
He began to shop there. We were dumbfounded. Totally out of place in his "members only" wind breaker, he actually made friends with the people that worked there and now he hangs out on the sunny tables in front of their store. When we asked him what motivated the change, he made some joke about cute girls and then he just came right out an said it
"You know those Hippies down there may be our real friends. The food's far better and I know their parents and I feel comfortable there. It's a real place."
Some links about similar concepts on other sites: The Informal Economy: an article by a specialist on Post Communist Russia.
The American alternative currency: The Ithaca Hour
Craigslist. The BEST way on the internet to list things for sale, barter, wanted, free or specialized services in most cities.
Look in the "For Sale" box dead center of the page: Here's the one for San Francisco.
Note different regions at top right.
---------------------------------Freecycle: Unfortunately you have to register, unlike Craigslist which only requires that to sell, not search or buy.
"The worldwide Freecycle Network is made up of many individual groups across the globe. It's a grassroots movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. Each local group is run by a local volunteer moderator (them's good people). Membership is free. To sign up, find your community by clicking on the region on the right.
Sprawl Busters - an anti Big Box website: Lots to see here: also, available are copies at cost of studies from various municipalities that have blocked Big Box Stores.
Click here to tell a friend about The Overcoming Consumerism website or Please feel free to link your web pages to