Overcoming Consumerism Index

Hill House: A solution for the high cost of living with some advantages that money can't buy.

A great demonstration of the Alternate Economy in action.

 Have you ever been to a nice party that lasts all afternoon and into the evening at a big comfortable house where people relax, sit around talking, eat well, have a great time--then said to yourself --

"Why can't I live like this everyday?"

Every day can be like this if you create a living situation similar to the following:

Seven of us, (two couples and three individuals), live together in what might be considered an ideal living situation. We share a two-story 2850 square foot house in San Rafael, California. There is almost always someone at home so the house is cheery, active and secure. Our per person cost for living comfortably is very inexpensive. (Less than $27 per day per person for housing, utilities and food--2024 prices-(details below).

Potential areas of conflict, such as the use of the three bathrooms and large kitchen, are minimized because of differing schedules and a well coordinated routine that allows everyone privacy, yet utilizes the house and its contents to the maximum. The ample kitchen has been converted into the communal living room since that's where everybody hangs out anyway. It contains a large round table of oak planks, sofas and comfortable chairs. The floor is hardwood planks revealed when the linoleum and old carpet was removed. A coat of wax makes wood an attractive material. The old "living room" is now a comfortable private living area and study for one couple.

In addition to the kitchen living area, there are private alcoves throughout the house and in various areas of the garden where one can get away and be alone.


Built in the late 1940s, the structure embodies a tremendous amount of lumber, concrete and natural materials. The even minimal-level of gas heat, lights, water and other resources required to make the house comfortable and to keep the garden alive would be wasted with just one couple or even one family living alone in the house. (The situation that existed for 70+ years before we arrived.) However, with seven people and their guests now enjoying the house everything is used to the maximum and costs are divided seven ways.

For example, the kitchen with its heavy duty gas range and high quality fixtures, is utilized almost nonstop throughout the day. It helps to heat the house in winter and there is the ever-present smell of baking and cooking. On cold days, the kitchen fireplace, fueled by free construction wood or tree branches emits plenty of heat. The large garden is worked by all who enjoy it and produces a large amount of produce. Time's valuable and the organic vegetable box provides produce that wouldn't grow in our climate. See our Grow your own food page.

When something is needed for the house heavy duty and high quality items, preferably free and used, are always the first option. The sink hardly ever dries and the kitchen utensils are in constant use. It's counter intuitive, but when things get used frequently they are easy to clean. With many people using the shared areas of the house and picking up after themselves, these areas stay cleaner than if just a few people were living there and the dust bunnies were to accumulate. The communal desktop Mac in the kitchen alcove is in use about 20 hours per day, every day. It would sit unused most of the time in the average home. The keyboard shows a wear pattern. it came free from an office and will be replaced at no cost with a better unit when that becomes available, also for free.

When things are shared this way their cost per-use plummets to almost nothing. When expenses are shared this way the time required for each person to work to pay for them with after tax dollars is insignificant.

Sharing expenses and saving money are both EXEMPT FROM INCOME TAXES.

If more people used homes and pooled their possessions this way there would be no housing shortage. People can save a tremendous amount of money and can live without the need to work two, or three, jobs just to afford a place to live and money to buy seldom used "necessities" that sit around unused most of the time.


The two couples and three individuals that share the house have their own period of time during the day when the kitchen is reserved for their exclusive use. Other times it's open to all. Communal meals at the large table are regularly scheduled several times a week. Sometimes a dish is prepared by someone who specializes in it. Other times everyone helps. It takes just about as much time and human and fossil energy to prepare a meal for 10 as it does for 2 and it's a lot more fun because the cook gets more satisfaction and gratitude for their labor and works far less frequently than cooking for just themself or one or two every day.

Cooking utensils are numerous and of high quality. Everything is hanging in the open on its own hook or on pegboard. The dishwasher is run once a day on a regular schedule so that personal and communal dishes can be included.

A community based agriculture farm delivers two large boxes of in-season organic produce weekly. Cost, approximately $1.25 per person/day Between this and the produce from the garden, most nondairy/non-protein food needs are met.

There is often a pot of soup or stew simmering on the stove that receives vegetable from the deliveries or the garden. This is nutritious, quick and costs next to nothing. "Leftovers" don't get generated in the house. There is far more seasonal fruit from the yard than can be eaten or juiced. The surplus of apples, oranges, Asian pears, lemons, plums, herbs etc, gets traded for other things such as bread from a local bakery, eggs from neighbors' chickens, finished laundry and dry-cleaning or coffee beans from a nearby shop, which also provides hundreds of pounds of coffee grounds and filters for the compost heap.

We put surplus fruit on our sidewalk bench for neighbors to pick up next to our free library book exchange. This builds camaraderie in the neighborhood and gets folks into the spirit of giving and looking out for each other. At our previous house in Oakland, the little kids up the block, who became rough teenagers then adults, took our surplus fruit home for years. We taught them how to raise their own vegetables and do fruit tree grafting. They brought us useful surplus things, or items being dumped, from their jobs in the building trades or fixed what we couldn't repair ourselves.

Coffee is made at 7 and 9 in the morning and 4:30 in the afternoon when friends know that they are welcome to drop by. Often they bring food to share. One key to our arrangements is that several people have small refrigerators in their private area to supplement the large unit in the kitchen. (All retrieved for free at the end of the school year from alongside college dorm dumpsters).

The first thing that we installed in the home when we moved in was a high-quality reverse-osmosis water purifier. The cost of the used restaurant unit was paid back decades ago at our last house as coffee and cooking water are of the highest quality. Nobody needs to buy plastic bottles of water, rather they just refill them or pitchers from the purified water spigot behind the sink. 4 people agree to fill containers during the morning and the other three at night, this way the storage tank rarely runs dry. The non-potable-filter backwash, about 3 gallons for every gallon of purified water produced, is diverted via tubing to a downstairs toilet tank reservoir to flush it instead of using fresh water.


There are 4 nice bicycles (2 electric) to share and one person has a small electric pickup truck that anyone can use. Each couple has a car.

Gallon jugs of high quality, low toxicity Griffith Remedy shampoo, conditioner and Dr. Bronner's hand soap are ordered by the case from the factory and shipped directly to the house. Shampoo and conditioner, cost approximately $95 a gallon, which lasts for three months or more. The washing machine runs 3 to 4 times a day with full loads. Using the appropriate biocompatable soap, washing machine, shower and bath sink water is drained to the downhill garden via a built in gray-water system, thus offsetting the high water consumption. Trees and vegetation are green and productive all summer long in our Mediterranean climate. In the winter, the rainy season hereabouts, we run washing machine water to a rain barrel on the deck with a diverter valve that can run water to flush downstairs toilets. During the day almost all water heating is by rooftop solar panels. Bathrooms are vented by a home made device that uses water pressure flowing to the shower to turn a turbine that fans moist air out of the bathroom.

When the roof needed replacement we paid about 75% more for standing-seam steel nontoxic epoxy industrial roofing with a fifty year warranty. Composition or asphalt shingles (Read sand and refinery waste compressed together that give off lead, cadmium and mercury which are neurotoxins, and which build up in the soil), would have only lasted about 20 years and been cheaper but who wants to eat vegetables watered by rain running off that? After re-roofing we installed solar electric panels with a capacity of 6 kilowatts.

We use annual net metering, which means surplus electricity that the sun produces above and beyond what the house uses is fed to the electric grid and spins our time-of-use meter backwards. This used to offset nightime electricity Use. However, state politicians and Governor Newsom's five Public Utilities Commission appointees, having received large political donations from Pacific Gas and Electric and wanting to keep their stock price up, pushed a bill slashing what we get back to .03 cents a kilowatt hour so we no longer break even or make money. Great way to save the environment.

The true opportunity cost of the money we spent on that system, is the loss of the paltry taxable interest we could be making on the money that the solar electric system cost, after the State rebate.

After we compost and recycle we often don't even fill one smaller garbage can per pickup. Every week several hundred pounds of coffee grounds and vegetable waste are brought home for the compost heap from juice bars and coffee houses that we're going to for work or pleasure anyway, so no extra fuel is used. Add the scrap firewood used in the winter and the house is actually a net importer of solid waste while it exports food and sometimes a little daytime electricity.

Toilet paper and dishwashing soap are bought at Costco. All seven people share one business membership card.

A few negatives: It is difficult to be alone for hours in the house although there is a little teahouse retreat at the end of the garden. The water bill is rather high as the usage for seven people, guests and the drip irrigation for the garden raises the per gallon cost of much of the higher consumption water into the second and third tier price levels.

We ran a hose to the house next door where a single woman lives. With her permission we use her lowest priced first tier water. Our private water meter at her hose bibb measures the use diverted to our side of the fence and we split our substantial price savings over paying for second or third tier water with her. The same thing can be done with electricity, as long as all safety considerations are followed.

The biocompatible laundry soap (Oasis brand) for reuse of the washing machine water in the garden, is more expensive than normal detergent, although the natural soaps in the water plus dirt from clothes acts as a great fertilizer.

The key to the harmony of the household.

Our Agreed upon rules and standards

*No resident or guest may smoke anything or vape on the property. No candles or incense.

*No music, radio or TV may be played loud enough to be heard by any other resident or neighbor, nor may any be played during the day loud enough to be heard through a wall. Headphones really do work!

*There is a radio in the kitchen that may be tuned only to classical or jazz. Any person may turn the radio off for whatever reason without need for explanation if they feel like quiet when they are in the kitchen. Because of this power, people seem to become more accommodating and leave it on. There is no TV in the house.

*Each person has a built-in plywood storage cubbyhole located in the kitchen. This is where all their non-communal kitchen-use personal property, tools, and papers must be stored (or in their room). This is sacrosanct. One may place somebody else's items in the proper cubby, such as their mail, but no one may remove them except the owner. It is agreed that any property left in the communal area outside of the cubbyhole may be used by anyone for any purpose within reason. No one leaves junk sitting around for this reason. There are similar tool cubbies in the garden.

*Each person has their own private 200 square foot patch of garden within which they may do anything they please, as well as the enjoyment of the large garden with communal vegetable patches, raised beds and fruit trees. The one ground rule: everything is organic-no sprays or slug baits or artificial fertilizers. Everyone uses the compost heap. Food items for compost that are generated in the kitchen are placed in a half -gallon milk carton with its top opened up. This is emptied every afternoon.

*People are expected to immediately clean up after them self. This means no hair balls in the shower trap, no dirty dishes, and no messes on the floor.

* Everyone has their own private chair in the common area that they have rights to whenever they enter the room. This may seem silly but we found it to be a powerful thing. Anyone may use it when the "owner" is not there.

*Overnight guests must be out of the house before first morning coffee is made at 7 A.M.

*One thing that makes life much easier in this house is that there are no children and only one dog.

* Everyone takes off their shoes and must wash their hands in the little sink next to the door upon entry. No tracking in of pesticides, dog feces, tire dust and other things. Far fewer colds and flu this way.

Who gets to live here?

People rarely ever move from Hill House. All the residents have been found by word of mouth and are friends of other people. The actual method of selection is the English Club System: When it comes time to choose a new resident every one is given a white and a black marble. A container is passed around and people can secretly place a marble. If one or more black marbles appears when the container is dumped out-the person under consideration is not accepted or "Blackballed"

If a person is accepted they have three months probationary period during which time any person can vote them out anonymously by dropping a black marble in a locked voting bin. One can't fake personal habits for three months, the truth always comes out.

Some observations:

Communal living lends itself to wonderful interactions and at the same time can cause friction. This is why it is essential to have the above, or at least some kind of voting system to prevent social misalignments before they occur long term.

The problems that have been avoided at Hill House through the use of these criteria usually involve filthy bathrooms, dishes left sitting around or in sinks, having to listen to someone complain about their childhood trauma as though it's of interest to others, barbaric and talkative overnight guests appearing at the breakfast table, disappearing stuff, skipped rent, long tales of woe when you just want to be left alone, etc.

Many of us have experienced this in other roommate/shared living situations. We will not tolerate it again-so we're very careful about who gets in.

Here's some statements and behaviors that gave us the willies and kept the applicants from even being considered:

Their sentences always begin with "I" instead of interrogatories like "What," "Who," "Do" or "How?," which are all signs of intellectual curiosity and openness towards others. Multiple uses of "You know" in speech is a sign of immaturity and sloppy thought.

"We're artists-and as artists do--we smoke sometimes" (What else can you get away with because you're artists?)

"I'm a single mom and I have three lovely children that need a village to raise them..." (While you stay at your boyfriend's?)

"I'm a Feng-Shui consultant. Can I trade my services for rent?" or the other one "Could I trade massage therapy, life coaching, alternate healing practices, for rent?"

" im not into major drama (just minor?) im kinda sober but i don't care what my roommates do. im a pierced and tattooed rrriot girl. im kinda messy in my own room"(probably everywhere else too).

Many infantilized adults and perenial adolescents hide within and use counterculture as an excuse for a lack of personal standards. We want nothing to do with that.

Those little red bars you're now seeing on the beige background are an optical illusion. They will go away in a few seconds. Bad house-mates never seem to go away -- that's why we're so selective about who gets to live here.

The beauty of the above set up is that the procedures of regulating who gets to move in can be used by anybody in any setting with different criteria.


Our MONTHLY Expenses divided among all seven people:

$2720 rent. Because live in owner gets all the tax advantages of interest write-off, she pays all property tax and insurance costs.

Utilities, Gas- about $150 month in winter and $60 month in summer. Averages $130 month. Pre-solar panels, electricity was about $150 a month year round.

This is rapidly changing as governor Newsom seems determined to allow his hand picked Public Utilities Commission members to rape the people of the state with ever escalating PG&E utility prices.

$150 water approximately

$200 Garbage and recycling.

$102 cable Internet access...cable soon to go up, we're going to dump it and use neighbor's wifi with their permission. That's legal. They chose to leave it open for others to share.

Analogy, is it legal to use a neighbor's porch-light that shines in your window? Or, we'll let the neighbor piggyback on ours, offered with low introductory rates, with a 50% shared payment of costs from the neighbor.

$180 two land-line shared phones. Will drop second line as some opt for own cell phone.

$300 community agriculture vegetable delivery (2 boxes)

$1500 food for communal meals and sundry expenses.

Total monthly costs $5300 shared by 7 people= $757 per person per month or about $ 26 per day per person for all housing and essential food costs.

With the hideous inflation caused by creating 9.5 trillions of dollars out of thin air and handing it to the donors of the UniParty in Washington, these prices have begun to change radically.

You could probably live by yourself that cheaply- but it would be in a car or a tent in the middle of nowhere and would not be in a convivial household in a major urban area near transportation, universities and the other features of the Bay Area.

What does "conventional living" cost in the Bay Area? : January 2024 "Family of four estimated monthly costs:$8,714"

Their monthly cost at Hill House would be: $3,120. Four adults x $26/day x 30 days, children as in link above would be figured differently.

There are no vacancies. But what's to stop you from setting up your own version of Hill House?

Please Note: For privacy reasons we no longer grant interviews or want publicity.


We had several inquiries from the media to do a story about Hillhouse.

Spent the whole day working with the cameraman and reporter, who were very nice, thought she would get the word out about what we're doing. The final edited story they broadcast was an inane little snippet that showed nothing of the details enumerated above, discussed little of our philosophy and this was sandwiched in between a car commercial and a one for some kind of psychotropic "ask your doctor" drug.

As of January, 2023, we moved our entire household to San Rafael, in Marin County. We have found a similar house, with even a better garden and option to buy with the rent. We had hoped for improvement, but most of Oakland has become a dangerous shit hole of crime, corruption, drug addiction and vagrancy. The mayor is no more qualified to run a bakery than a city. There is a current recall effort. There's no simply no future here. We only regret leaving the fruit trees behind. They were approaching the end of their life anyway.

Marin is the best educated, healthiest, wealthiest county in western America. In terms of beauty, weather, farm-to-table food, organic farms, proximity to wonderful beaches, the bay, holistic practitioners, creative people, and most importantly, it is safe practically everywhere. Marin has the cleanest environment, the most recreation, the best public schools and is the place to which aspire Bay Area refugees fleeing political disasters like San Francisco and Oakland.

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Some other shared housing links

The Cohousing Association of the United States

This is building planned houses that work together

 Walnut Street Co-op, Eugene, Oregon.

Windward, an interesting website about a place and state of mind in Washington.