Resources to overcome consumerism



These are resources that allow you to get involved in the betterment of our communities and our nation. Learning about these things and then taking actions appropriate to our personal situation is a effective means of changing the world for the better.

Order of subjects on this page:
  • Zero Population Growth.
  • Avoiding pesticide and chemical pollution in your environment and products you consume.
  • planning and building sustainable communities and stopping the hideous before it's built.
  • How your federal tax dollars are actually being spent.
  • Corporate Watch.
  • Environmental Working Group.
  • permaculture & regenerative agriculture sites.
  • How advertisers capitalize on and commoditize you.
  • kill your TV.
  • Fighting and hurting Junk E-Mailers
  • Alternatives to the automobile; mass transit links.
  • Your Economic "Dollar Vote" and how it sometimes supports the wrong people.
  • Enough! Anticonsumerism campaign (U.K.)
  • Material appropriate to sustainability of society.
  • Teacher's resources.
  • Mad Cow Website.
  • Books on Sustainability and controlling your personal environment,
      Philosophy and History, Work and the Economy.
  • Magazines.
  • Non-print Resources.
  • Movements.

Educating oneself as to the nature of the threat to the environment and our personal health can be a challenge because there is so much to learn and there are so many different solutions offered. The following sites are clearly articulated so that one can both learn and then take action. 

Arithmetic, Population and Energy: Dr. Albert Bartlett

Now that sounds boring doesn't it?

Probably the most important video available to understand sustainability, the environment and the changes you will face.

One cannot call themself an environmentalist or a informed citizen until they have seen this video.

It's in your self interest

to learn about these things.

So just what's in the non-organic food that you're eating? This link shows you what is there and its effects on you. If you don't care about yourself at least check out the bad things that you are feeding to your kids.

Combination of Pesticides Linked to Parkinson's Disease:

Learn how to avoid this fate in your old age.

Environmental Working Group

Community self-defense against pollution that affects your health.

The next site discusses the actors in the drama that is involuntarily being played out in every cell of your body.
Care to read the program? This is a description of several of the largest chemical producing companies, the health and environmental damage from their products and the brand names where these chemicals are found as well as resources to boycott their other merchandise,
or rush out and buy lots of it if you so choose.


Bayer is desperately trying to improve Monsanto's image. Read about this company and its products in Revolt Against the Empire above then appraise for yourself their home pages, an excellent example of

 Here's an example of the real kind of thing Monsanto has done for the environment in rural Missouri.
And now, in the latest gambit to convince the world that they are really just nice plain-old down-home overall wearin' folks, Monsanto unveils...


The Powers That Be want to deindustrialize America,

destroy investment in the public realm and export middle class jobs

as part of their model: In The Grip Of A Permanent War Economy by Seymour Melman

Planner's Web is a site that allows you to learn about the positive changes happening in our communities at the town planning level. Fabulous links to the history of American small towns, their demise and their resurrection.

Home From Nowhere An incredible illustrative essay that defines how zoning and sprawl has ruined our towns and cities and what can be done to restore them.

Beyond Sprawl: New Patterns of Growth to Fit the New California An alliance of environmental groups and Bank of America are doing something to stop sprawl.
Another example of the growing awareness that Non-Sustainability = Economic Suicide.


National Priorities Project "is a community education, research and training organization that for 16 years has dedicated itself to making our nation's budget priorities something ordinary citizens can understand and shape. We are the source that citizen groups, progressive elected officials, the media and policy analysts turn to find out the real, local impacts of federal policies. We have an extensive data base of state and local information, and have worked with many national organizations and hundreds of local citizen groups to produce state and local impact reports. These reports particularly illustrate the trade-off between excessive military spending and tax breaks for the very wealthy, and resultant cuts to community-based programs."

Straight from Eisenhower's mouth:
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.""The Chance for Peace" Address April 16. 1953

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex." Farewell Address. Radio and TV January 17. 1961

The Organic Consumers Association is a non-profit, public interest organization dedicated to building a healthy, safe, and sustainable system of food production and consumption in the US and the world. It helps build a national and international consumer/farmer/labor/progressive retailer boycott of genetically engineered and chemically contaminated foods and crops.
INTERGARDEN an incredibly through and well constructed set of links to

Run away from anyone who says this to you:

"Want to meet some really special people who will show you how easy it is to get rich...?"
How commercialism and parasitizing your friends and family can make someone else rich. An excellent article on
What's Wrong With Multi-Level Marketing?

Shaking the Money Tree From Amway to Equinox...


Cripple advertisers that fill your E-mail box with junk.
Simple, clear instructions to find our just who sent that stuff
to you and how to get them kicked off their ISP


tip: Sick of junk mail? Just stuff all of their ads, the magnetic-'you're name here" credit card, the envelope addressed to you back into their postage paid envelope. Fold it so that's it's 'chunky' or fat. It'll cost them .91 cents in postage.

Your Economic Influence on Politics and the Economy An old graphics-free site packed with very diverse resources. Still looking for something as good, but more contemporary.

Corporate Watch Info
has serious links for researching and tracking corporate malfactors.

Alternatives to the automobile.

What we once had: The conspiracy to destroy America's streetcar systems

The full costs of the car
financial studies that provide indisputable ammunition for transit proponents.




Some Teachers' and Scholarly Researcher's Resources:

The Environmental Working Group Environmental contamination resources.

What is Sustainable Agriculture? Nice overview from the University of California

K-12 Curriculum Resources for Botany

We have a large page dedicated to organic gardening.

BOOKS (with ample illustrative quotes) & MAGAZINE section now has its OWN PAGE.


Ithaca hours home page In Ithaca N.Y., people have the option of being paid for their labor or products in "Ithaca Hours" worth one hour's average wage of $10 per hour. This is a spendable local currency that at least 1,200 merchants and individuals accept; the ultimate in keeping money in the community. For a starter kit for your community or more information write to: Ithaca Money, Box 6578, Ithaca, NY 14851.

ready to get serious about anti-consumerism?
Radical Anti-Consumerism

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Overcoming Consumerism Index      Consumerism's bad effects

O. C. Accomplishes?     Active Resistance      Hands on methods

2 Families compared       our personal consumer choices

consumption chart      | resources to overcome consumerism |

radical anti-consumerism      cars     

 How to raise food     How to raise trees

eliminate polystyrene products

Corporate officers and their interlocking interests

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