Active resistance to Consumerism
goes beyond the carefully researched spending of Dollars and
sometimes gets into pranks, tricks and revenge against corporate
greed and advertising pollution. Not only are corporations not your friend, but often, they are the enemy. Treat them as such when they deserve it.
Ten years later we have these headlines from the New York Times, a paper that has the finest business reporting in the universe:
"11-19-07...But for Goldmans chief executive, Lloyd C. Blankfein, this is turning out to be a very good year. He will surely earn more than the $54.3 million he made last year. If he gets a 20 percent raise in line with the growth of Goldmans compensation pool he will take home at least $65 million. Some expect his pay, which is directly tied to the firms performance, to climb as high as $75 million...
2010 Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein stands to collect $100 million bonus...
For most Americans of average or lesser means however, something
is terribly wrong. The long-standing economic rules have changed
against us. Those remaining are overworked for the convenience of the employer
and the demands of the marketplace. This raises the value of the
corporate stock most of which is owned or optioned by guess who? The
very executives who make the firing decisions.
Why should the American worker and their family support such
businesses? "Given that corporate America doesn't want to share their
profits with the working Americans who helped build their companies
since WWII, why are ANY of us buying the products of the Fortune 500?" (Thank you for that Linda).
Lets create and/or take advantage of existing
alternatives as part of our community renewal. The greatest revenge
against those that have changed our society for the worse, that have
made us time slaves to the pursuit of money and more things, yet have
taken away our livelihood in many instances, is to withhold spending
from the corporate cloned businesses that they install in our
communities while refraining from buying these companies' products
and services no matter where or how they are sold. If the marketplace
is so important to these corporations, then the marketplace is the
appropriate forum for seeking retribution and justice through
boycotts of job destroying corporations and their products by
displaced workers and the public. For example: So what are they going to call their products
Tegucigalpa B'Gosh?
B'Gosh? It's not just clothing and knick knacks. How about the American
auto industry? More trickery: "Contains product of China, Mexico, Vietnam, U.S.A. Translation: "China."
If it's made in the U.S. it will say "USA."
Same thing with food. Product of USA means that. Organic means just that. Don't fall for b.s.
like "GMO Free" or "All natural," those are meaningless terms.
Wherever the products are made they have to be sold to you here in the U.S.
Nationwide, boycotts of corporations can
negate the many millions corporations may be spending on advertising
to sell just a few more percentage points of advertised goods. Every
American who has been fired, downsized or is overworked or going
broke because of corporate economic manipulation should boycott
every product sold by their ex-employer and other companies
that treat workers this way. Let the wealthiest 1% of the American
population that owns 82% of all stock be their exclusive customers.
Let the low wage slaves overseas that are making the products with machinery
shipped out of America buy the products. Americans need to raise hell and get militant about
this. It's our lives, our country and our future that are at
stake. You have to raise your voice, make your self a pain in the ass
to these companies, sometimes make a fool of yourself in public
places to get this message across.
So, how much has YOUR pay gone up in the last eleven years? Has it even kept up with inflation?
When the rules of the economy stop working for you, then you should
stop working for this economy. It is time to get out of
their game and create our own.
With few exceptions, corporations and mobile capital have abandoned
not only long-term, but any commitment whatsoever to the American
worker, tens of millions of whom are treated as disposable commodities by
corporations eager to raise the short-term value of their stock--not
by investment in domestic plant or equipment, nor training, but
rather by cutting "liabilities" (i.e. workers) so that they may become
more "competitive."(Sending the jobs to global sweatshops and then
importing them duty-free through "free trade" binding agreements or final assembly of Chinese junk in factories in Tijuana, Mexico, through NAFTA.)
B' Gosh disclosed plans to close an apparel-manufacturing plant
in Columbia KY, in a move that will eliminate 413 jobs. The maker of
children's apparel said it expects the plant, which makes woven-bib
overalls, jumpers and jeans for children, will close in March.
Oshkosh said it has been developing, for the past five years, a
system of contracting its work abroad. Source: Wall Street
You just know that one of the fired workers or their relatives is
going to end up buying Oshkosh B' Gosh products out of brand loyalty
or plain social inertia. What they should do is track every
article that this company makes, boycott it and tell whatever
merchant that sells it that they will not spend in their store
unless they carry available U.S. made alternatives, which are out there if one looks.
One should share the knowledge of what you're achieving through your careful spending habits with others, especially the employees of and small business owners working in commercial settings. You will be seen as someone in touch with the concerns and interests of merchants and workers and from this will come respect and recognition which will further help sustain your community.
You will be surprised how many people agree with this point of view but never articulate it on their own.
Much of overcoming consumerism is about boycotting services and
products made not just by one manufacturer but also eliminating ALL
DEMAND for whole classes of things that harm our environment, society
and personal independence.
This goes against the message that it's patriotic to shop-that by spending money your somehow helping to wage war on terrorism as George Bush said before invading Iraq.
Let's put this message in the only form that is recognizable to an unfortunately growing segment of the American Populace-a rap poem...
♫♫ What you bought yesterday is garbage... Today you'll borrow to buy something new... Tomorrow you'll repay with interest.. Today's Garbage that is tomorrow's due ♫♫!
People often send us messages that include the lament that there is nowhere in their community where they can buy products made in the U.S.A., made sustainably or where they can find organic food. What better opportunity then could there be for the success of such a new business? We remember the time we drove through South Texas. Nowhere to eat but national fast food chains in town after town. Do you know how enthusiastic some locals would be to have a cafe that served decent organic food?
ADVERTISING Manipulates you with both the best paid talent in the world using some of the crudest assaults on your visual privacy as well as the most subtle. Clever minds and fabulous sums of money have been spent convincing us that we need an endless stream of things, (which always include the cost of advertising in their price). Anything above an American Middle Class standard of living is excess and only involves buying a different class of things and many extras.
Make yourself immune to advertising by working to remove it from (y)our environment and ignoring it when forced on you. Control advertising instead of letting it control you. Ask yourself: "If a product is so great and so essential, how is it that I have lived without it until now? and why haven't I heard of it from others who recommend it?" The more that is spent on advertising a product, the less likely it is worth buying.
A corollary of this is that when you DO like a product that meets the criterion of quality and sustainability, tell people about it. Word-of-mouth based on personal experience is the best advertising. Believe it and nothing else.
We made a list of our favorite local small business with products, hours and phone number as well as ownership information. We hand them to people that ask for directions or locals that may not know about them. The response is overwhelming: "Oh thank you, I've been looking for a good cleaner, or shoe repair shop, or used furniture store"...etc. Any fool can locate the local Home Depot or Walmart, but to find the struggling hardware store or small grocery store with home delivery is not so easy. You can make such a list in your area.
An example can be found at our Alternate Economy page: Do others a favor and help remove advertising from everybody's environment. Recycling bins are the appropriate destination for flyers, advertising supplements, "free" advertising-laden newspapers and other intrusions on your privacy that are dumped in public areas in around your home and street. When we pick up mail in our apartment complex, we grab the whole pile of flyers, inserts, paper menus and advertising supplements that someone leaves in one place for us. Straight into the recycling bin kept next to the mailboxes.Question: What's the difference to the viewer between graffiti and advertising? How can a building owner that festoons his public surfaces with the visual intrusion of advertising into the public viewshed then object to personal graffiti? Same with bus advertising. Cover our busses with commercial messages and then object to someone writing their name? We'd rather see blank walls and clean busses with nothing on them.
Use postage-paid subscription reply cards to let magazines that advertise tobacco know how you feel about their prostituting themselves to drug pushers. We stuff junk mail into the postage paid envelopes and mail them back at the advertiser's expense. Make sure that the junk is folded so that it bulges. This will cost the junk mailer .91 cents under the new postal tariffs.
Consider generics. What real difference is there between gasoline, oil and some drugs that are not proprietary? For example, Consumer Reports Magazine's laboratories have demonstrated that there is no difference between any brand of motor oil as long as they meet common standards. See Cars
Read some of these industry statistics to get a feel
for how they look at you. Guess what? You are the commodity that is
for sale by media to advertisers! Let's rephrase that; your eyeballs
and ears are for sale by the networks to the advertisers--this is why
Arbitron and other agencies exist--to carefully conduct "market
share" counts for the advertisers.
Commercialism is why the Internet, once the greatest hope for free instantaneous communication for everyone(that can afford a computer or smartphone), has been turned into a circus of popup ads and other commercial intrusions. It's still the best hope we have-you won't find any commercials on our site. Notice that it's verdant.NET not COM. (commercial).
Avoid becoming a human commodity. Your name and personal information can become, if you allow it, a commercial product that others buy, sell and use without your permission in the hopes of selling you something. You can prevent this by refusing to provide it or gladly offering such information, in an altered form of course!, when you are asked for it in a commercial setting. Add a coded initial, for example that of the business, to your name. Change your name slightly when filling out anything online, except official and financial documets which should be in your name to avoid fraud. Watch the junk mail arrive with this initial to see to whom they sold your name to.
Scramble your social security number when asked to provide it to those not legally required to receive it, this will help to foul up junk mail databases.
A more elaborate way of preventing your address from being used by
marketers is to offer them the use of your mailbox
or telephone for commercial purposes at say, $1,000 per item that
they send to you. Send a certified letter stating the terms of your
offer to their corporate legal department. Then hope that they
DO send something of a commercial nature to you after a
certain cutoff date because this signals their acceptance of the
contractual offer you have made to them.
See how one successfully sued them in small claims court. This
works best when the company has a local retail outlet that can be
after you get your judgment used by your county sheriff as a
collection point. It's called a Till
Tap, the sheriff stands there and literally takes cash out
of the hands of the cashier until the judgment is satisfied. People
have made some decent money out of this.
You can get your phone number on the National Do Not Call list.
The National Do Not Call Registry is open for business, putting consumers in charge of the telemarketing calls they get at home. The Federal Government created the national registry to make it easier and more efficient for you to stop getting telemarketing sales calls you don't want. You can register online at DONOTCALL.GOV if you have an active email address. You can call toll-free, 1-888-382-1222 (TTY 1-866-290-4236), from the number you wish to register. Registration is free. The Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and the states will begin enforcing the National Do Not Call Registry on Oct. 1, 2003. That's when consumers who put their numbers on the registry by August 31, 2003 will notice a downturn in the number of telemarketing calls they get. Placing your number on the National Do Not Call Registry will stop most, but not all, telemarketing calls. |